SRI YOGA CENTER is a trust. registration number is 190306441 in 11.10.2018 at
office of the ARA -III,BY additional registrar of ASSURANCE . The Secretary is Sri Rakhi Mukhopadhyay.
SIHAR BANION is a NGO formed on 5.1.2006. under Registration of Firms, Societies and Non-Trading Corporation West Bengal.Registration
Number: 41628 of 2006.2007. Secretary is Mr. Somsubhra Mukerjee.
All MEMBERS are involved here for the betterment of the of the “HEALTH’ and “ SPIRITUAL HEALTH” in COST EFFECTIVE manner through
innovative techniques .for the SOCEITY without any profit motive. Various SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, like, Charitable Clinic, Drawing Classes
for the Kids etc. are regularly done.
A proposed an “ART MUSEUM”, centering the Theme “SRI DURGA MA and SARADA MA” and an “INTEGRATED MEDIHUB” in rural atmosphere for
rejuvenating The Body And Mind Of Normal And Diseased Persons, in a COMBINED MEDICAL APPROACH with MINIMUM USE of Complicated and Costly
Modern Medical Services is only possible with your support.